Monday, March 17, 2014

Paul Chehade 2016 - North Korea:

Despite  the numerous incentives that the American administration have offered  Pyongyang as an inducement over the years, they have remained  obdurately unyielding in their desire to retain their nuclear  arsenal. North Korea reiterated their belief that their nuclear  arsenal is the only security guarantee they have against the evil  partnership of the Americans and their South Korean brethrens.

It  bears reminding that North Korea is possibly one of the poorest  nations on earth, and with their failed economy, widespread chronic  food shortage and amidst reports of unrest among the populace, Kim’s  stance is indicative of the siege and persecuted mentality he is said  to possess.

However,  similar to Cuba, with the impending withdrawal of the Great Leader,  Kim Jong Ill, from the frontlines owing to health concerns, the is a  surge of optimism in the air among the participants of the Six-Party  talks and there is genuine hope that a resolution to this sixty year  conflict can be resolved.

• I would stop all North Korean missile launches, by force if necessary.

God Bless America.

Paul Chehade:.
Honor and Truth

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