Monday, March 17, 2014

Paul Chehade 2016 - Animal Rights:

We share the planet with other living entities such as our brothers the ANIMALS from which we learn more and more on a daily basis. 

They have shared with us their lives, their “Modus Vivendi” and finally adapted their world to our forced limits.

The animals worked “with us” and “for” us “even worse than slaves”… since “our creation”.  They provided us with love, loyalty and friendship… they will even give their lives for us humans.

No tractors? … Bulls where there,

No milk?...  Cows are still there,

Feeling lonely and spiritual?.. Cats are there for you… definitely by your side... Your friends...

Feeling depressed or energetic and need love... DOGS are the “best friends” for humans right?...  not a secret.   You doubt that?   Just watch a kid playing with his dog… no toy will ever replace such joy; NONE.

You sink in the ocean?  Dolphins when in the area often will come to your rescue where no human being is available and push you to the shore.  They will save your life… even repelling sharks risking their own lives.

Need to relief yourself from sore throats?  HONEY is there for you… produced by the Bees… 

And... more and more and more examples…

On a daily basis more and more species are vanishing...  disappearing forever! due to our lack of knowledge, lack of vision to preserve our planet and our friends; THE ANIMALS.

They give their lives for us… so how do you pay to someone that give his life for and to you?  So you may survive...  do you murder him/she?...

Very often animals are considered “a thing”…   no rules, no rights, no mercy. 

There is nowhere in the constitution of our Nation that states that we should provide “animals” the right to life, the right to a descent environment to live in, the right to survive!

“Owners” should have the right to defend their friends (pets) if someone abuses them…  it is a HUMAN RIGHT!  Because it affects HUMAN feelings, HUMAN emotions, HUMAN hearts.

Animals should have the right to have “rights” and so do you.

They suffer, they feel and they need our help…  GOD BLESS AMERICA

God Bless America.

Paul Chehade:.
Honor and Truth

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