Monday, March 17, 2014

Paul Chehade 2016 - Civil Liberties:

The  world has suddenly become a less gracious place, a little less  brighter and a whole lot more intimidating.  Perhaps it is  understandable that some of us try to seek shelter under the  inalienable civil liberties that is assured by the Bill of Rights,  which despite varying interpretations under a multitude of political  climate over the years have always remained a bastion of security for  the common people.

However,  in this climate of post 9/11, there has been a long series of  incidents that have placed our faith in our civil liberties under  some serious questions. Recent documented events involving racial  profiling, agenda driven education syllabus, the breach of private  privacy under the guise of national security and notable lack of  presumption of innocence are just the tip of the iceberg. The fear of  the 'average Joe' is that this is not merely a blip, but in fact, a  gradual descent into a caricature of the Big Brother.

• I defend the Constitution of the United States of America and the rights, liberties and freedoms of all American citizens equally and without preferential treatment given to any individual, business or group.

• Crimes against people for their race, sexual orientation, religion, etc should be prosecuted as hate crimes with more punitive penalties than random crimes.

God Bless America.

Paul Chehade:.
Honor and Truth

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